The greatest wedding quotes ever spoken are your very own!
There are plenty of examples of famous romantic wedding quotes out there, often spoken by brides and grooms lauded in literature and prose for years afterwards. The most famous wedding quotes in the world are often spoken by famous people, or are made famous by authors whose tales of romantic weddings are read by countless fans. But what if I told you that none of these wedding quotes are the greatest ever spoken?
It’s true! The greatest wedding quotes ever spoken are your very own, even if the only two people who hear them are the bride and groom. Whether your wedding quotes are heard by millions or only by a small church full of people, your romantic words to each other trump any other wedding quotes throughout history.
And why is that? Why are your wedding quotes more meaningful than the words from a bride and groom in a famous novel or movie or play? The answer is very simple: because the wedding that is most consequential to you and your spouse is your very own. While it’s fine to look to romantic works of art or entertainment or literature for inspiration or wedding ideas, in the end your wedding has to be perfect for only two people: the bride and groom. Whether or not the rest of the world approves of your wedding, or the words and quotes you utter during the ceremony, is of no consequence.
So if you’re looking for famous wedding quotes to use as a guide for the words that should be spoken on your special marriage day, that’s just fine. Find inspiration in the words of other brides and grooms, but don’t get worried about whether your wedding quotes will pale in comparison to the famous words in books and movies. If the words are spoken by you or your fiance, they will be very special.
So on your wedding day, don’t worry or even think about the quotes that will be spoken during the ceremony or afterwards at the reception. Just let things flow naturally, and concentrate on being happy and enjoying the day with your beautiful bride or handsome groom. The greatest wedding quotes ever will be the quotes spoken by you and your new spouse, whether you realize it or not!